Tuesday, September 20, 2011

the colourful drysink

In a few months, it will be 3 years since my grandfather passed away. My maternal grandfather was my favorite grandfather (I had issues with my paternal grandfather). So, it seems sort of fitting that I want to talk about the dry skink I refinished.

My grandfather made the dry sink and it sat in my grandparents basement for as long as I can remember; unused and piled with junk. When we were cleaning out his home to put it up for sale, my mother asked me if there was anything I wanted. Since my cousin had already claimed the dresser I had wanted, I asked for the dry sink.

Grandpa had left plastic bags on it and they had broken down over time and stuck to the surface, most likely due to the finish. So, my first step was to sand the surface of the dry sink to remove everything. After priming it, I chose two colours that would fit well into my bathroom; a sort of seafoam-y green and a bright pink (the colours in the image are altered, but the gist of the colours are there).

I also replaced the handles as a few of the original ones had broken. I quite like the ones that I found as they look vintage-y enough that they fit with the era of the piece.

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